
Thank you for taking the time and stopping by Celery and Cupcakes!

Celery and Cupcakes is a healthy living blog that documents my journey through delicious food, experiments in the kitchen, a passion for fitness, everyday happiness, fashion and trying to find that healthy balance.  I’ve had an uncomfortable relationship with food for years, until a few years ago I decided to shun faddy diets and scales and decided to embrace and enjoy nutritious and wholesome food like this:

about food pic

Gone is the quest for being skinny!  Now my quest centers around balanced nutrition, being happy, self love and munching my way through the most tastiest, most beautiful healthy delights but with a little naughtiness thrown in between.

You can read more about me, my thoughts and ideas in some of the posts below:

My Story


Goal Setting

Running tips from an unnatural runner


10 things that make me happy

Being in tune with your body

25 Years in the Making

I’m just a girl on a journey, so come and join me!

40 responses to “About

  1. Love this and love your blog. I can totally relate 100%! Cant wait to keep reading girl! =)

  2. Shan

    Just found your blog. Feel like I’m back in college with the girls, just chatting about stuff:) Thanks for starting my Sat. morning off great.

  3. I can’t wait to keep reading your bloggie! 🙂 lurve it!

  4. Marion

    Love the blog – most inspiring with some great ideas for recipes. I’m in the UK and and decided to start the TA Method in January – best results ever! I intstructed my husband to bring back the 30 day Method book on a recent New York trip. I’m taking it to the next level! All the best.

  5. Awesome blog!! I too am a devotee to the Tracy Anderson Method! I can’t wait to try some of the recipes you have posted and to be with you on this journey of celery and cupcakes 🙂

  6. Leanne

    Hi Jemma 🙂

    I’ve been a long time follower of your blog and just wondered if you calorie count/weigh/measure any of your foods?


    • Hi Leanne!! Thank you for reading my blog. 😀

      I used to calorie count in the past, but became kinda obssesive about it. now I just eat mindfully, lots of fruit and veggies, little meat and lots of dried fruit, nuts and oils.

      I don’t necessarily weigh out my foods but I’m aware of my portions. I tend make veggies the main part of my meal and the other parts of the meal (carbs and protein) the sides. I watch how much granola and muesli that I eat though as they can sometimes be high in oil and sugar, but other than that I pretty much eat what I want.


      • Leanne

        Aw thanks for replying so quick hun!

        Your eating is SO healthy and everything looks delicious!

        Keep up the brill work on your blog, it’s one of my faves 😀

  7. Katy Aubrey

    I’ve only recently discovered your blog, and I love it!! 🙂 You eat so healthily and the amount of exercise you do is inspiring!! I was about 15 stone until about 6 years back when I finally decided to do something about it and I got down to 10 stone, but since getting married last May I’ve gained 2 stone!!! So I’m on a mission to not only lose that weight, but become healthier again and your blog is inspiring me to do it healthily!! x

  8. Pingback: A Seasonal Celebration | Celery and Cupcakes

  9. Hi from America! Looking forward to seeing where your journey takes you! Cheers-Dana

  10. I just found your blog and…LOVE! You have an awesome perspective and some great recipe ideas! As a newer blogger it’s super inspirational! Keep it up 🙂 I’ll be following!

    • Thanks for the support, Jemma! I am a TOTAL blogger dummy…I used Blogger as my host because wordpress and all the html stuff is over my head for the most part! I am into art and design so chose a simple template and manipulated that as best I could to show my personality 🙂 I keep hearing how much I should use wordpress but blogger is suiting me just fine for now, if wordpress is in my future a webdesigner may be also! Baby steps! Have a great week!

  11. Neuroscience, wow! I am really interested in that too 🙂 I will definitely be following you! (that sounds creepy… you know what I mean)

  12. Just found your blog and think it’s awesome! Can’t wait to read more and try out some of your recipes! Love having new inspiration! 🙂

  13. Great blog! Was looking for something to jumpstart my attitude and mindset while I wait for my TA DVDs to get here on Wednesday…

  14. LOVE your blog, and overall message! Looking forward to reading more 🙂

  15. kaliesthoughts

    Love the blog!

  16. caloricandcrazy

    I remember Sainsbury’s 🙂
    so jealous of all those Cadbury’s items…gah! 🙂

    • caloricandcrazy

      ooops! meant to post this the mindrunningwild guest post….haha!
      But, loving the blog Jemma! Will be coming back to read more 🙂

  17. this is wonderful… so nice to meet you! we share very similar views on food, life, and happiness. come check out my stuff at http://www.ohshineon.com

  18. nicole marie story

    Dear Jemma, I am absolutely j’adoring your “Sex Up Your Salad Challenge!” So excited to follow your blog! It’s very nice to officially meet you! 🙂 xxx

  19. More Than Greens

    Hi! I really enjoy your blog and have nominated you for the Versatile Blogger Award. You can check out the post here: http://morethangreens.wordpress.com/2012/05/04/versatile-blogger-award/

    Have a great day!

    – Sarah

  20. Hey I just came across your blog and its fab! Seems like we share a lot of the same inspirations! Unhealthy relationships with food suck monkey balls! Your great keep up the good work!! Looking forward to reading more 🙂

  21. Hello Jemma,
    We love your blog and your dedication to all things delicious!
    The Beach House Kitchen have nominated you for a
    ‘Versatile Blogger Award’ (http://versatilebloggeraward.wordpress.com/).
    The Versatile Blogger Award is a great way of meeting other like-minded bloggers and getting folk to have a look at your pages (I believe it is known as ‘traffic’).
    The rules for the Versatile Blogger are as follows:
    If you are nominated, you’ve been awarded the Versatile Blogger award.
    -Thank the person who gave you this award
    -Include a link to their blog
    -Select 15 blogs/bloggers that you’ve recently discovered or follow regularly
    -Nominate those 15 bloggers for the Versatile Blogger Award
    -Finally, tell the person who nominated you 7 things about yourself
    Thats it!
    Congratulations and happy blogging,
    Lee and JaneX

  22. I just found your blog and I a little obsessed. I love your mission: to be healthy. Thanks for writing! 🙂

All of your comments make me smile :-)