

Yeo Valley Organic

Booja-Booja Hazelnut TrufflesChampagne Truffles, Stem Ginger Truffles, Coconut Hullabaloo

Green & Black’s

Nakd Bars


Rude Health

Total Greek Yoghurt



Rawr Chocolate

Thai Taste

Cosy Tea

Munchy Seeds, Chilli and Ginger Choccy Seeds

Lusciously Raw

Pulsin’ Hemp Protein

Vita Coco

Rice Dream

Whole Earth

New Zealand Honey Co.

Zalando product review

Conscious raw chocolate

Pukka Herbs Tea

Sharpham Park Spelt Cereal

Good Hemp Protein 

Hurraw! Lip Balm

4 responses to “Reviews

  1. Pingback: Seasonal Celebration | Celery and Cupcakes

  2. Pingback: Cosy Tea Review « Celery and Cupcakes

  3. Pingback: A quick review: Booja Booja Stem Ginger Truffles « Celery and Cupcakes

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