Yo, Baby Cakes!

Thank you so much for everyone’s kind words regarding yesterday’s post.  It feels so good to realise that I am not alone in this and that many of you out there are going through or experiencing the same thing where their relationship with food is concerned.  I think I just need to remember that such food isn’t really that unhealthy when eaten in moderation.  I am a firm believer in everything in moderation and I think may be I have lost sight of this…work in progress I think!

I found this article on this topic that you may interesting:

FOOD time!!!

Yesterday’s breakfast was a lovely bowl of my Apple Strudel Oats...

…which I then topped with some Yeo Valley fat free vanilla yoghurt.

I’m loving the addition of yoghurt to my oats.  It makes them even more creamy and this tasted like dessert not breakfast!

For lunch I ate some Jerusalem Artichoke, Parsnip, Celeriac soup with some fruit.

This soup was simple simple to make.  It’s just blitzed up veggies and stock…simples! Don’t be put off by it’s dark and murky colour.  The soup is lovely and sweet and the Jerusalem Artichokes lend a deep nutty flavour.

Mid afternoon I snacked on the last of my Kale and Sundried Tomato Hummus with raw broccoli.

Love this!  Homemade hummus is definitely the way forward! 🙂

Dinner was a mammoth plate of stir fried vegetables in a spicy tomato sauce sprinkled with seeds for extra crunch.  This veggie mountain consisted of mange tout, baby corn, lots and lots of savoy cabbage and mushrooms…

Got to love a huge plate of veggies, especially when stir fried.  I haven’t had a stir fry in what seems like forever, but I will definitely be having them more often after this took only minutes to make.  It’s also a great way to use up left over vegetables as literally anything goes with a stir fry, there are NO rules!

The blender came out for dessert as I made a banana and peanut butter smoothie.

This frothy delight included 1 banana, 1/2 tsp of xanthan gum, 1 tbsp of peanut butter, 1 tsp of ground flax, 200 ml of hazelnut and almond rice milk topped with dried cranberries. 

I’m so excited!!! My first baking vegan cook book arrived today.


I love a good recipe book and everything in this looks so delicious…

Check out that amazing ingredients list.  I seriously can’t wait to start baking up some goodies with book.  I’ve also ordered Vegan Yum Yum, which has yet to arrive.  I have seen so many other vegan and vegetarian, healthy living cook books that I have already added to my wish list.  I can see that this is going to lead to an obsession and a mammoth recipe book collection. 

Well I’m off now for a cuppa and a mooch through my new book. I think a Sunday baking session is definitely in order!  🙂

Do you have a recipe book obsession?  Do you have a particular recipe book that you go back to all the time?


Filed under EATS!

8 responses to “Yo, Baby Cakes!

  1. Happy baking! I love cakes and bread (and any carbs really!) so I really want to get into the whole baking thing. I think I need a really simple cookbook to get me started. I can’t wait to see some of your creations. 🙂

  2. Gill (snaxandthecity)

    ooh that hummus looks REALLY good. i can’t stomach raw broccoli, tho granted i’ve only ever tried once. did you have to ‘learn’ to like it? I WANT to like it since it’s so healthy!!
    Hmmm I don’t really use recipe books that much, but the Eat Clean Diet is quite a good one!

  3. movesnmunchies

    ahh i am slowly building up my collection!! so far i have veganomicon, skinny bitch:cookbook and appetite for reduction.. ALL OF THEM I LOVE!!!
    i LOVE your easy homemade soup.. just veggies and stock!!

  4. Yummy eats, I have that book! I love it but have still not had time to do any of the recipes so I’m looking forward to seeing yours it might inspire me to try and make time! Enjoy x x

  5. I have that book and I LOVE it! I haven’t made that many of the things in it, but make the raspberry scones!! They are to DIE for! 😀

    I definitely have a recipe book obsession! Vegan with a Vengeance is another awesome one, as is Vegan Cupcakes Take Over The World, and Veganomicon…to many good ones!!

  6. I love recipe books. Veganomicon is a favourite, I love my Nigella cookbook too.. I need more cookbooks!

  7. Pb and banana is definitely one of the world’s best combos! And glad to read about your response to the shortbread saga. We’re all a work in progress, and it’s good we can help each other out 🙂

    My favourite veggie cookbook is Rose Elliot’s bean book. I’ve always loved it, but since I went vegan it’s taking a pretty central role in my attempts to get enough protein!

  8. I love making my own hummus!! so tasty!

All of your comments make me smile :-)