Just call me SUPERWOMAN

…what’s in the box?!?!

I picked up this cute pink document organiser up today from the stationers and decided that it was about time that I gave all my research papers a good sort out.  I’ve organised them by topic so that they are easier to locate when I want to read them.  I was actually surprised by the amount that I have printed off.  I’m sure I have a very small forest in this box, but most of these papers are for keeps.  The ones that I don’t find useful will go straight into the recycling bin.

I’m feeling super productive today.  Not only did I sort out my papers, but I also did my usual cleaning, tidied up my wardrobe (Carrie Bradshaw would be proud!), weeded the front garden, washed my mane and fitted in a short run too.  I love days like these as I feel a sense of satisfaction of simply getting things done.  My boyfriend often asks how I manage to fit so much into one day.  I always tell him that “I’m  a woman and that is what us women do!“  Us ladies sure do work hard. I like to think that we are ALL your everyday SUPERWOMEN. 😀

Of course I needed lots of fuel to get me through all of that work.  I started the day with a bowl of warm blueberry and banana oatmeal.

This was so good!  I added 1 tbsp of chia seeds, 2 tbsp of wheat germ, 4 tbsps of oatmeal, 1 tbsp of omega mixed seeds, a mashed banana,2 tsps of sweetener, lots of blueberries to some rice milk and heated it in the microwave.  The chia seeds made this one voluminous bowl of creamy oatmeal.

For lunch I took a whole meal pita out of the freezer and toasted it straight from frozen until it was warm and crisp.  In to the pita pocket went some hummus, avocado, courgette and red pepper.  This made for a fantastically delicious and quick lunch alongside two sweet and ripe persimmons.  A few hours after lunch I headed out for a quick 3 mile run that I completed in 30 minutes and 20 seconds, which is 40 seconds quicker that my last 3 miler.   I was really surprised with this as I was battling against strong winds and chose a more hilly route. 😀  This was followed by an awesome ab and core workout too.

Dinner tonight was a light and refreshing roasted vegetable salad with griddled aubergine and a herbed tuna steak.  The tuna steak was covered in a drizzle of canola oil, black pepper and mixed herbs.  The flavours were so simple but really worked well for a light and summery dinner.

I’ve just polished off the last half of the Raw zesty orange raw chocolate.  Hmmmm…it’s still not the best raw chocolate that I have tasted, but I liked it more this second time around.


May has come around so quickly that I genuinely forgot to set some goals for the month.

April goals:

  • Yoga, yoga, yoga! I really want to incorporate yoga into my routine.  I’m thinking of adding at least adding 2 half an hour sessions on my toning days;
  • Do one short run a week to work on my running speed;
  • Bring running speed to below 10 miles/minute;
  • continue to eat healthily and intuitively.

Well, I’ve really upped my yoga game!  Yoga Download.comhas been amazing for me to fit in structured yoga sessions that flows nicely from one pose to the next.  My MTV yoga DVD arrived, which I’m hoping to try out later this week-so far so good eh?!? I’ve been sticking to one short run of 3 miles a week too, except last week because of a headache.  I think these shorter runs are helping with my endurance on my weekend long run, but my running speed tends to hover around 10.2 miles/minutes.  Slightly disappointing, but my speed used to be 11 miles/minute plus, so it’s still an improvement I guess.

May goals:

  • Include my 10k Plan in my routine at least twice a week;

  • Up the mileage on my short runs to 4 miles;

  • Bring running speed to below 10 miles/minute;

  • continue to work on my running distance

  • resume my morning workouts now all the students are back from Easter break;

  • Plan and prepare my departmental talk that is later this month;

  • continue to eat healthily and intuitively.

Everything seems to be going in the right direction and I’m happy that I have managed to achieve most of my goals last month.  I might shake up my work out routine later on in the month, but right now I’m happy with the way it is.  I often change the length of time that I spend on each machine if I get bored, but in the grand scheme of things my 3 days in the gym, 2 days at working out at home that includes some yoga/toning and a short run at the weekend seems to be working so far.

Have you set any goals for May?  Did you achieve your April goals?


Filed under EATS!

27 responses to “Just call me SUPERWOMAN

  1. movesnmunchies

    WOHOO! i love your pink box too! super cute!.. great job girl!

    ooo love that breakki! looks so delicious!… great job on ur goals– going from an 11min mile pace to 10 is a GREAT accomplishment in itself! i just posted goals today!

  2. That breakfast looks amazing – I need to get hold of some chia seeds! Good luck with your goals for May 🙂 x

  3. Awesome goals girlll and congrats on your accomplishments!

    And that box is so cute, what a fantastic idea… it is so something I would do, I am miss organized– or at least I try to be 😉

  4. littlehealthjunkie

    I love your monthly goals for both April + May! I have super big confidence in you that you’ll run that 10k in a sub 10 min. mile pace…You can do it, you’re SUPER WOMAN!! 🙂 Love that you got caught up in the royal wedding besides what you originally thought you would btw;)

  5. I think it’s amazing that you set goals, because although I am always inspired to do something, I take everything step by step without setting a goal-basis 😛 Not sure how good that is hehe

  6. All the veggie look so goooood!
    Good luck on your goals!


  7. I never set goals since I mentally keep telling myself what I want to accomplish. I love all the veggies you have going on, delish 😀

  8. I love setting goals! Especially on my blog, because then I feel more accountable 🙂 haha good luck on yours!

  9. Well done on your goals, your May goals look great too. I have my May goals all set – mainly running orientated as I what to up my mileage!

  10. czechvegan

    All your meals look so healthy! And tasty too:) Hope you´ll reach all your goals!

  11. ohhh, I love that chocolate!
    I’m sure that you will achieve all that you want to (:
    One of mine is more yoga xx

  12. Nice work on the goals, and the speedy run! And I love that pink filing box!

  13. I seriously LOVE your eats so much!!! Please live with me and make me all my food! 😀

    You will TOTALLY achieve your goals!! And to get your speed up by almost a whole minute/mile in one month is AMAZING so don’t knock it!! Seriously, you’ve come SO FAR!!

    P.S. Just got your email! You got sent to spam, evil spammers! 😦 Anyway, can’t WAIT and thank you so much again!!

  14. Rach @ This Italian Family

    Ooh look at you with all your organization! I’m impressed! 🙂

  15. stuffedsillysarah

    “Superwoman!” …There, I said it 😀 x

All of your comments make me smile :-)